Scaling is a crucial aspect of managing applications in Kubernetes. Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) offers several scaling options to ensure that your applications run smoothly and efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key scaling methods: Horizontal and Vertical Scaling for Pods, and the use of Cluster Autoscaler and Karpenter for Nodes.

Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA)

Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) adjusts the number of pod replicas in a deployment based on CPU utilization or other select metrics. HPA ensures that your application can handle varying loads by adding or removing pods as needed.

How HPA Works:

  1. Metrics Server: HPA relies on the metrics server to collect resource usage data.
  2. Target Utilization: Define the target CPU or memory utilization for your pods.
  3. Scaling: When the resource usage exceeds the target, HPA increases the number of pods. If usage drops below the target, it decreases the number of pods.

Benefits of HPA:

  • Efficiency: Automatically adjusts the number of pods to meet demand.
  • Cost-Effective: Only uses resources when needed, reducing costs.

Vertical Pod Autoscaling (VPA)

Vertical Pod Autoscaling (VPA) adjusts the resource requests and limits for your pods. Instead of changing the number of pods, VPA modifies the CPU and memory allocations for each pod to match the actual usage.

How VPA Works:

  1. Resource Recommendations: VPA monitors the resource usage and provides recommendations.
  2. Adjustment: VPA can either suggest changes or automatically adjust the resource requests and limits.

Benefits of VPA:

  • Optimized Resource Usage: Ensures pods have the right amount of resources.
  • Improved Performance: Reduces the likelihood of resource starvation or over-provisioning.

Cluster Autoscaler

Cluster Autoscaler automatically adjusts the size of your EKS cluster. It adds nodes when there are pending pods that cannot be scheduled due to resource constraints and removes nodes when they are underutilized.

How Cluster Autoscaler Works:

  1. Pod Scheduling: Monitors pending pods that cannot be scheduled.
  2. Node Management: Adds nodes to accommodate the pending pods and removes nodes when they are no longer needed.

Benefits of Cluster Autoscaler:

  • Scalability: Ensures your cluster can handle varying workloads.
  • Cost Efficiency: Optimizes the number of nodes, reducing costs when demand is low.


Karpenter is an open-source, flexible, high-performance Kubernetes cluster autoscaler. It is designed to optimize the scheduling of workloads by launching just the right compute resources to handle your applications.

How Karpenter Works:

  1. Intelligent Provisioning: Karpenter makes decisions based on the actual resource needs of your workloads.
  2. Rapid Scaling: Responds quickly to changes in workload demand.
  3. Customizable: Allows you to define specific rules and preferences for node provisioning.

Benefits of Karpenter:

  • Flexibility: Provides more control over how and when nodes are provisioned.
  • Performance: Quickly scales your cluster to meet demand, minimizing latency.


By leveraging Horizontal and Vertical Pod Autoscaling, Cluster Autoscaler, and Karpenter, you can ensure your applications in Amazon EKS are both resilient and cost-effective. These tools provide robust solutions for managing the scalability and performance of your Kubernetes workloads, enabling you to meet the demands of your users efficiently.

If you’re looking to optimize your cloud infrastructure and improve application performance, contact NimbusStack today by filling out our contact form. Our experts can help you implement the best EKS scaling strategies tailored to your specific needs.